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    Place:Homepage - Shows
    Truck Scales >> Digital Truck Scale >> Digital truck scale  



    Name:Digital Truck Scale(kd-scs2008)
    TYPE:Truck Scale、Fully Digital Truck Scale 、Simulative Truck Scale、Digital Truck Scale、Floor Scale

    -There are two forms for Digital Truck Scale indcluding  no pitand shallow pit 

    -Technical indexes/Model ZCS/SCS-D Digital Electronic Truck Scale


    -Accuracy Class: III     


    -Rated capacities: 10,15,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,100 and 120t


    -Widths of platform: 2,2.2,2.5,3 and 3.2m


    -Lengths of platform: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,15,16 and 18m


    -Foundation form: no foundation pit and shallow foundation pit


    -Counts:3000 (note: counts=maximum capacity/division)


    -Overload limit: 125%


    -Platform operating temp.(including load cell) :-30~+65


    -Operating humidity RH: 20-85%

    Hits:3214  UpdateTime:2008-10-26 【Printer】 【Back  
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    Copyright:FUJIAN KEDA SCALES CO;LTD.  ADD:Industrial Zone,Tonglin Anhai,Jinjiang City,Fujian Province China
    TEL: 0595-85759933   FAX: 0595-85727357 CODE: 362000   
    Site Keyword:Truck Scales|Platform Scales|E-Scales|Feeder-Scales